[2017 New] Latest Cisco 642-272 Dumps Exam Practice Materials Online Free Download

The best Cisco 642-272 dumps exam study materials are written according to the latest real IT exams. All the Cisco https://www.leads4pass.com/642-272.html dumps exam practice questions and answers are revised by the skillful experts. 100% success and guarantee to pass Cisco 642-272 exam test quickly and easily at the first time.

What are two capacity-planning guidelines for voice and web conferencing customers? (Choose two.)
A. Build in growth factor of 1030 percent.
B. Consider customer LDAP vendor and number of profiled users.
C. When sizing on-premises web conferencing needs, assume only the internal WAN and LAN are accessed.
D. Schedule and dedicate “crisis management” meetings.
E. Increase the number of ports by 40 percent if customers use resevationless-only meetings.
Answer: AD

Which four of these are used when planning capacity requirements for on-premises voice conferencing? (Choose four.)
A. estimated external voice conferencing traffic percentage
B. Cisco Unified Communications Manager and PBX deployment locations and size
C. estimated internal voice conferencing traffic (WAN and LAN)
D. estimated external and internal video traffic
E. VoIP endpoint types
F. fax machine endpoint types and locations
Answer: ABCD

Which two of these should you consider when planning capacity requirements for on-premises web conferencing? (Choose two.)
A. WAN bandwidth between offices and a Cisco Unified MeetingPlace internal web server
B. WebEx bandwidth sizing for external web traffic
C. Internet bandwidth available to external web servers
D. estimated separate internal web user licenses
E. fully qualified domain name and DNS requirements
Answer: AC
642-272 dumps
QUESTION 4                      642-272 dumps
Which two of these are used for gathering customer network information for deploying on-premises Cisco Unified MeetingPlace voice/video and web conferencing? (Choose two.)
A. remote worker locations
B. video endpoint location and bandwidth requirements
C. multicast data traffic requirements
D. MPLS deployment requirements
E. communities of voice traffic
Answer: BE

What are three Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Media Server network requirements? (Choose three.)
A. colocated on same VLAN with Applications Server
B. colocated on same VLAN with internal web server
C. colocated on same VLAN with voice RTP traffic
D. Less then ~350 ms round-trip latency
E. Less than ~100 ms round-trip latency
Answer: ACE

What are two Cisco Unified MeetingPlace on-premises web conferencing network requirements? (Choose two.)
A. one NIC only with one static IP address and FQDN with DNS resolution assigned
B. two NICs with two static IP addresses and FQDNs with DNS resolution assigned
C. third-party load balancers in front of clustered Cisco Unified MeetingPlace web servers
D. WebEx Meeting Center TSP connection using port 443 outbound
E. SQL Server 2005 servers deployed as external, using TCP port 1433, but not colocated with web conferencing servers
Answer: BE

Which of these protocols is used between Cisco 642-272 dumps Unified MeetingPlace Application Server and Cisco Unified Communications Manager for voice and video conferencing?
A. H.323 and SIP
B. H.323 only
C. ICT only
Answer: D

Which two of these protocols are supported for video conferences to the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Media Server video blade? (Choose two.)
A. H.263
B. H.239
C. H.265
D. H.256
E. H.264Answer: AE

What are the two supported audio-only deployment options with Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 7.0? (Choose two.)
A. PBX (TDM) with T1 or E1 trunks to Application Server
B. Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.X+ front end to Cisco Unified CallManager 4.X clusters
C. Cisco Unified Border Element front end SIP trunks to Media ServerD. Cisco Unified Border Element front end SIP to Application Server
E. Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1+ front end with intercluster trunk to Cisco Unified CallManager 4.X clusters
Answer: DE

What three network components are required for Cisco Unified MeetingPlace 7.0 audio deployments? (Choose three.)
A. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace internal web servers
B. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Media Server
C. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace external web servers
D. Cisco IOS voice gateways for PSTN external traffic
E. Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Application Server
F. Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 3545 ISDN Gateway
Answer: BDE

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